This is undoubtably, besides Steve Moneghetti's record breaking 'City 2 Surf' or De Castella's marathon victory in the 84' commonwealth games, one of the greatest displays of running in living history. In fact it is fair to say that Forest Gump is a running God. Through the power of running Forest was, at a critical point in his life, able to break free from his funny leg shackles and out run those hilly billy rednecks when he was most certainly going to get a face pounding. (See above photo; Hilly Billy's are in the Dodge truck, which he also out ran)
So instead of being be badly beaten Forest goes on to play college football, save countless lives in the vietnam war, including a majorly pissed of Lieutenant Dan and who could forget his best friend Bubba (who afterwards died due to a fatal wounding) For this awesome display of running Forest recieved a purple heart and got to meet the Presdient of the United States. It doesn't stop there as Forest's most special running is when to overcome his torturous pangs of love for Jenny he sets out on a never ending running adventure that takes him around America 7 times bringing him national and international celebrity. (He also helps that shit-out-of-luck guy invent that bumper sticker) This running is what I like to call 'zen' running, and although he was unaware, Forest Gump along with Tom Hanks revolutionised the way we think about running and how it can be used as a way of improving your life and most importantly of overcoming prejudice and other such things.
Coach 'run run as fast as you can'
See Next week for ' The Ginger Bread Man' article, where we ask "Can he be caught " ?
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